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Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024

Each year, the Duke IT Security offices create multiple opportunities for the Duke community to engage with Cybersecurity Awareness activities in October. In addition to inviting you to join in activities for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, sponsored by the National Cybersecurity Alliance, we invite you to take part in the following Duke activities:

Gradient poster with dates for the months activities.
You can add any of these events to your Calendar by visiting the ambassador SharePoint site: 


CISO Fireside Chat

Join us on October 11 at 11AM to meet Duke Health's new Chief Information Security Officer Mangone Fall. You will also get to know Nick Tripp, Duke University's interim CISO. This session will be moderated by Shelly Epps, and will be held on Zoom. 


Virtual Security Academy - Year 5

Join us on October 17 for VSA. This month's presentation is on password managers, and will include information on 1Password and Duke Unlock. Learn more about VSA here:

Black poster with white lettering that says "Duke Virtual Security Academy"


Presentation by the FBI 

Join us on October 23th from 3-4 at DHTS @ The Park for a cyber threat brief from local FBI agents. This is an in-person event only and it will not be recorded, per the FBI. Space is limited and RSVPs are required:

Blue poster inviting people to see the FBI present at Duke


Webinar: Cyber in Popular Media

Join us on October 31 to discuss how hackers and cybersecurity are represented in popular media! Zoom info TBD. 


Daily Phishing Challenge 

Duke has a simulated phishing program designed to educate our users on recognizing and reporting suspected phishing attacks. 

During Cybersecurity Awareness Month, you can opt in and agree to participate in additional simulated phishing for a chance to win prizes. Participants will receive one phish each workday between October 1-18 and report it using the “Report Message” button for the chance to win daily and weekly prizes. Completing the phishing challenge also increases your chances of winning the grand prize! 

Participants may opt out at any time.

Gray poster with a fish and the words "Annual Duke Phishing Challenge. Don't get Hooked"


Duke tech week

Technology groups from across the university are joining together to create an engaging and educational experience for students. Duke Tech Week 2024, to be held Sept. 30-Oct. 3, on the Bryan Center Plaza will feature a variety of activities, events, and tabling sessions designed to raise awareness of IT products and services for students. ITSO will be hosting a Lock-Picking Station, so stop by if you would like to learn how to pick a lock! 


Learn more by joining us on Teams!

Cybersecurity Ambassadors are individuals interested in cybersecurity who want to join the Duke Security Offices in being ambassadors for security initiatives at Duke. Learn more by visiting the team:

Hand holding a lock over the words Cybersecurity Ambassador